Current Politics


As I am creating this work and the masses go about their daily lives there is a powerful, organized, nearly invisible, faction of humanity which is deliberating the direction of our species and planet in secret. They hold the most powerful positions within our society worldwide. This group of like-minded people is the faction that has always held a structure of control over the masses for thousands of years. Whether they are descendants of direct bloodlines, or indoctrinated newcomers, they are united in one purpose. That purpose is to secure their control over you in moving to a new world order. They seek complete control of what you learn, have access to, and what you will experience in the future. They realize that the world is in need of a one world government in order to secure not just the future of humanity, but the future of their control. It is not their intention to relinquish their power, but to secure it for their generations to come. They are implementing these changes already in small, hardly noticeable policies and laws. They are silencing their opposition, and broadcasting their propaganda through mass media to indoctrinate us all to their illusions. They are causing tragedies around the world to incite hate across carefully crafted divides among us, whether those divides are relatively new or thousands of years old. They operate in complete darkness from public view, yet their activities are glaring at you every time you turn on the news, pick up the paper, or browse the internet. Every action is exacting, and carefully orchestrated to keep the lights of truth from shining upon it. When the truth is presented, they confront it with ridicule and lies teaming with ego in every word they chose and how it’s delivered. You are a subject to their illusion unwittingly, yet you give them your authority to exact this deception with immeasurable vigor and zeal. You hate when they tell you to hate, you condone their atrocities as you are instructed to, and you conform yourself like “good citizens” as the illusion of it is painted for you. Your thoughts and ideas are not needed, for they have imagined every aspect of your future down to the finest details of how you will tie your shoes in the morning and what manner you will lay down to sleep each night. And make no mistake about it, these secretive and power addicted beings will not allow a world that fosters you true spirit.

It is now time for all peoples of all walks of life to unite under one voice and one universal desire for peace, liberty and security to exact the changes we long for now and for generations to come. Standing by and watching the world unfold around you will only secure the minority’s control over you and for future generations. The longer we continue to allow them to build mental prisons of control around individuals and groups, the more difficult and potentially bloody the process will be in removing them. There is a battle for your mind today, and all people must take the initiative to wake themselves up to this truth and become a part of the solution, rather than a factor of the problem by remaining passive and asleep. If we do not come together as one unified human family to create the reality we can envision together, the reality will be created for you, and in effect reality will create who you and further generations will become. There is only this moment in time to get this right, for if not now, all that will follow will be wrong.

When money is removed from the current paradigm solving politics becomes far less complex. Just as people are enslaved by money, politics are dominated by it as well. Nearly all of the big decisions being made today in all the governments are influenced by economy. So it is easy to see that until we implement a world system removed from it, politics can never be the proper system to oversee and govern our people properly. Removing the economic structure from our society frees governmental processes from the control system which not only influences it today, but dominates and enslaves every bit of it. Yes, our governments are also slaves to economy, slaves to a concept for which humanity no longer needs in order to flourish. For now, until man evolves further, government is still an essential truth to ensure liberty, organization, law, and direction. It will be a necessity for a structure of government to exist that allows humanity a platform to install a new way of living, interacting, sharing, and planning for our future.

I believe that one day in our distant future mankind will become self governed and without a system of oversight to ensure humanity is always on the right track. That will come with time through the human experience, education and evolutional thought. But first we have a transition to make. Mankind cannot come from such an oppressive and controlling system to another that means “self governess”. That transition must involve a one world government made of the people, by the people and for the people. Not of the elite, by the elite, and for the elite. It must involve every single person on the planet, and yes one day including those who in our future will no longer be on this beautiful blue paradise we all call home. Every idea, decision and implementation of mankind must be done in a way that includes all peoples. Whether Islamic, Christian, Buddhist, Secular, Hindu, democrat, republican, communist, black, white, brown, yellow, old or young; all people must be included in the processes of a new government. Everyone must have an equal portion in the new world.

All people are capable of the very ideas that will positively or negatively affect others. Government must be a system that allows for those ideas to come out in its full diversity. Each idea must be deliberated on in an open and transparent fashion that includes everyone. Ideas which pass initial stages of approval need to be voted in by the people, not by a minority of them. Education campaigns will be needed to inform each person of the consequences and benefits of each idea before it is put forward to a worldwide or regional vote. In reverse, we will always come across policy or law that has been implemented in our past in which new education and philosophy enlightens us to amend or abolish. In this way I am electing everyone on the planet to become a politician. I am tasking all peoples from all walks of life to be engaged in the forming of a new government. Every being on this planet will need to be our government.

Even when including all people into a new government we will have the need for both a regional and world organization of political leaders. These jobs must not and will not be positions of power over others, but positions of our brightest and most passionate thinkers. While all people on the planet will be tasked to be a part of a new government in contributing ideas and defending its principles from erosion, some folks will be needed to take the ball and run with it in our new system. As I stated earlier, we are all endowed with certain skill sets. There will always be people who are brilliant in regards to critically thinking ideas through, people brilliant in deliberation, and people brilliant in implementation. But there must be a separation in tasking this work from being done by one body. The very essence of separation of powers must be strictly overseen and enforced by all people. When a flaw is seen there needs to be immediate methodology for those flaws to be corrected. Without a separation of these potential powers there will always be individuals who will attempt to exploit it, even in a society without money. This is because powers are a drug to some and the addiction to seek them will always exist by the minorities among us. This is a truth that I site as reason for our needed transition which includes a world government made of everyone to ensure that this potential virus is prevented from spreading and affecting the imbalance of power away from the people and into a minority. It is simply a part of our current human condition that people seek greatness. And so it is a sad but true fact that when there is a group of people, there will be a small few that seek to dominate it. We need no deliberation on this being truth or fictitious. We need only look at our history to precisely site thousands of examples of it.

Education will be extremely important for ensuring our new government is never again taken advantage of by a minority. Teaching each new generation the dangers of inactiveness and un-involvement by showing our current and past history in its truest light must be done. No matter how horrible a part of our history has been, it must be shown unedited, unbiased, and in complete transparency to each further generation as an example to what happens when the few govern the many. In so doing, impressing upon our new generations the importance of participation of all matters no matter how unimportant they may seem. I believe that in a paradigm that fosters the confidence that every vote indeed does count and does matter; these lessons will be exceedingly more effortless to teach.

Some may confront this work from a religious view that only God’s Kingdom can be the perfect government for mankind and that we must have faith that this time will come. Well I do have that faith. But it is also written that no man shall know the day of the coming of it. So it is our duty as beings moving along our spiritual path that we always seek to form a more perfect world today, and for tomorrow. It is one thing to have faith that such a perfect government will come from beyond humanity; however, it is an irresponsible and destructive act to throw our hands up in the air and wait for it. We are always accountable for our actions. We must always try to create a more perfect paradigm for ourselves, for waiting on the perfect paradigm to arrive is lazy, irresponsible, and could mean the potential destruction of our existence. Furthermore, by always trying to form a more perfect union in the human family we will in fact be doing what our loving creator intended for mankind, trying to live together in peace and love.

What I suggest as my idea, though I am completely acknowledged to it being incomplete, is a one world government under the structure of a revamped and more perfected democratic system. A one world government is truly inevitable whether the average world citizen wants or accepts that fact or not. We as a human family must realize this in order to successfully evolve as a social race. The elite have realized this for a long time, and they are ahead of the game. So it is our task to catch up. If we do not, we will be forced to accept their version or face the possible destruction of us all by rebellion against it. With the focal power of our sheer numbers standing against the minority elites, we can do this task in the snap of a finger, relatively. This is why they conduct their operations in secrecy, and implement change towards their vision incrementally. They know that the real power is in the hands of a unified human family, should it be allowed to exist, and that tipping their hand in any way will defeat their vision by an awakened world populous.

The American experiment has taught the world lessons of great beauty and horror on the global stage. What the American founders had envisioned was in essence exactly what I believe we need to pursue again. What they fought for and designed as a birthing nation is not what the current state of America is today. I don’t believe I really need to educate anyone in the world to this amazing and beautiful beginning to a movement that was for liberty and peace. But as I have mentioned, a minority have seized this ideology back from the people and exploited it to their common purpose. The human family around the world can now learn from these mistakes, and exact the proper changes to form a more perfect union of all peoples. This erosion has succeeded because the protective structures for separation of powers have been exploited one by one, and generation by generation. This process began long before the average person may currently recognize. Through time and the studies or our brightest historian minds, these truths will become a vital part in teaching each new generation the hazards that exist in the forms of government so that we can ensure that the same mistakes are never allowed to occur.

The negative matrix surrounding us all through the divide and conquer tactics of the elite controllers has escalated to an all-time high. We have become so divided as a species that hate runs rampant between us, both as individuals and as regional parties. There are so many layers of divide among us it seems nearly impossible to unpeel them. The complexities that the matrix has painted for your mind on all of the issues surrounding each divide are so deep and so pervasive that not even those who are on the same side can agree amongst themselves what the true nature of that side really is and should be. But one thing I am certain, the human family removed of the mental prison which encapsulates its true spirit is fully capable of all the hopes and dreams that reside within us all.

If we are to be successful in healing the human family it will need to be done with agreements between all nations and peoples. Not agreements on what differences exist between us and how to settle them, but agreements on what similarities all people in the human family share in common and how to use those same basic truths to bring us together. Peace, prosperity, freedom, and love are the universal hopes for us all. Focusing on what separates us in an effort to forge the peace the world needs is like trying to swim up a raging river backwards and hands tied. We may never find ourselves in agreement on all things, now or in our distant future. So it is this basic lesson that the human family must learn together; that our diversities are what should propel us forward in every unified effort to come in the future, fully understanding that this truth is a strength when utilized in a paradigm that refuses to divide itself because of them. Take the oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico in this year 2010. There are millions of ideas from people coming forward on how to solve the flow of oil until more permanent relief wells can be implemented. Several of those ideas can and will work if honestly pursued. It is not which of these ideas works and who that idea came from that is important to the planet and our peoples, but that an idea that works is implemented. When we as individuals or groups find ourselves hot in a disagreement, no matter how hurtful the disagreement is, we must learn to be the first to say, “I’m sorry and I forgive you” so that our differences never again separate and divide, but instead always bring us together in love and peace.

Today we are not without the tools to teach on a massive and worldwide scale. The internet and instant information access devices are our greatest tool. We can communicate instantly, thus able to teach instantly to millions and possibly billions.

The term viral is often used for how these tools are. If only a few thousand receive such a message as this in the next week, and I am killed or silenced tomorrow for bringing it, the message will go on and spread to hundreds of thousands then to millions and billions.

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I respect everybody's views and opinions. This new way of life cannot possibly come from me alone, as that would be another form of the few governing the many. Rather, this is me suggesting my vision of a new system to instigate a discussion and deliberation towards fine tuning it. Eventually, I would like to be able to present this on a massive scale globally for the world. I need your input, so please allow yourself the time to give it. Thankyou for being a part of change!