Saturday, August 27, 2011

I've heard it said that money is needed, for without it there wouldn't be incentive to do things. To work mainly. I say that we don't need money, money needs us. For without us, there would be nothing left on the planet that believes in it. Not even a whisper of it would be found on the face of the earth, and yet work of all sorts of majesty would still be done. The lifeforms on this planet seem to know this, and aren't we the ones supposed to be smarter than they?

What would happen if we all refused to report to our jobs, and instead reported to a location where we all chipped in and built a better place?  None of which expected a monetary return on their effort, but instead expected to enjoy the work, and the benefit of the finished product? What would happen?

Would we enjoy each other more?

Would we respect each other more?

Both? More?

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I respect everybody's views and opinions. This new way of life cannot possibly come from me alone, as that would be another form of the few governing the many. Rather, this is me suggesting my vision of a new system to instigate a discussion and deliberation towards fine tuning it. Eventually, I would like to be able to present this on a massive scale globally for the world. I need your input, so please allow yourself the time to give it. Thankyou for being a part of change!