
This proposal is a "true democracy"

***Please note before beginning this personal investigation to the work I have provided that there is more than just this page to research. There are more pages in the tabs above that deal with the structure of government more clearly, the finer details of a world without economy, spirituality, and more to come. Before you condemn this work, please investigate it in entirety. Thank you for looking into change for humanity. ***

  “The universe was not created through economy, nor was mankind. Economy was an invention from ages of old. Every invention has a time of usefullness before it becomes replaced with another that better serves the purpose. Mankind can now see the end-game of economy, mainly that the few will dominate the many through the manipulation of its rules to claim ownershp of everything humanity needs to survive and thrive. The last play, in the game economy essentially is, will prove to be ownership of the individual by another until one man claims everything under the sun.

  Is humanity not already owned by a few dominate men through the systems of debt? The masses have been tricked into slavery by purchasing a lie. The harder a person works to become wealthy and percieve the illusion of their freedoms, the more the elite earn to establish their control over them without having to produce the work themselves. This ranks among the greatest illusions ever concieved. Free yourself by freeing your brothers.” -Bobby McAllister, seeking the invention of a new system of sharing
Note : This picture has the title of God, where if one does not believe in God they can
simply replace that title with Universe and the truth remains intact. Point being that
this fact does not need to divide people from creationism or evolutionist thinking.
Rather it initiates thought into the rediculous idea of man claiming to own that which he
ultimately did not create but repurposed into a fashion of his design.

I disagree with capitalism. Capitolism creates a backwards society. Firstly, equality is impossible with it. Where there is economy there are poor and rich. Where there are poor and rich there are differences in what you can or cannot experience and that is inequality. The illusion is given that the individual “deserves” more or less than another through work. However, does a slave not work harder than the master?  We pay the most essential positions in humanity the least amount of money. For example, a farm or agriculture worker is one of the most important jobs because without food people will not need a doctor because death is certain. Yet we pay these people the least, and now we are hiring immigrants for minimum wage, if they are lucky.  Meanwhle corporate elites, bankers, and political corruptitians are doing very little labor while securing massive wealth off of the hard work of others.  Their labor is more directed at scheming to find new ways of leeching off the efforts of those who actually provide meaningful work towards society than it is towards providing a benefit to those they are supposed to represent.  The longer this system goes along, the more those individuals and groups will establish a hold over honest work towards benefitting their greedy ambitions.

Second. Economy assumes ownership of resources. But how can anyone claim ownership of something that he did not create? Did mankind create the universe? Then really are we not borrowing from it? How can it be reasonable to borrow something that isn’t ours and then charge another for its use? Is it not as much your right to it as mine? Governments and corporations assume ownership on paper and then produce economy off of it to enslave you. No matter how hard you work to percieve the illusion of wealth, the elite will earn more because of it(without producing work) to retain the rights of making the rules as we go.  This is because the resources are not paid for by Government, they simply assume control over them.  Then they assign the rights to those assets to corporate and private intersests for mutual benefit. 

Money is a concept and a tool. It its based on imagination of worth, set not by humanity's value as a whole but on the rules of those in control of it.  It is manipulated by central bankers today by many factors.  But essentially, it is backed by faith and not by anything tangible.  The more money printed, the less its value and visa versa.  Money is a tool because it determines the worth of peoples labor.  All people work hard, yet we are given the illusion that someones hard work is worth more or less than someone elses. 

You demand what is supplied because you either need it, or desire to have it. And you purchase it from an entity that fraudulently assumes ownership of it. You will argue that works of production create ownership. But from what did you produce the product from; from what was borrowed from the universe. So then all that was owned really was the work. Yet I ask again, doesn't the slave work harder than its master?

  The whole planet is a global economy today. This means that everyone is forced to play the game. If a poor man is forced to work two jobs in order to barely provide for himself and family then what does he have to invest? Didn’t he sacrifice more time and effort for his money than most? Why is this man's effort worth less than yours? Isn’t it really because you were priviledged enough to attend the proper courses that granted you a position in society that rewarded you more than him? Or will you really argue that you deserve better because of the borders you were born into?

  What is investment? Isn’t it purchasing a portion of work? Didn’t the company that you invest in claim ownership of work from another human being by firstly assuming ownership of something borrowed (again the principle argument that nobody should own what the universe created, it should be shared!)? Even if the company purchased the resources that they then hired a man to work into a product, they purchased it from someone that fraudulently assumed ownership.

  We are blinded because we haven’t been told the whole truth. In many nations that play the same game of economy with the global system, corporations and governments own the land and resources (on paper). This means that nobody can own their own labor, in turn they are slaves. People work all day and are barely able to feed themselves at the end to provide sustainance for their bodies in order to work the next day. They cannot provide fairly for their families, let alone invest in a made-up game of risk for profit. Yet we buy their work as clothing, foods, etc completely unaware that a slave has provided the work. In a less obvious way, you too are a slave. It makes no difference how priviledged you think you are due to your financial, political, or positional employment status. Infact, the more money you are awarded in this system the less likely you will be able to see through the illusion to realize that you are a slave.

  There is an end-game to economy. We are seeing it today. Through inflation/deflation, interest, and transaction the global elites/bankers are reaping the world of all its wealth. Currently 1% of the world controls 40% of the wealth. And it is exponential. They “problem, reaction, solution” the world forcing the ownerships to transfer to them in the end. The world has been sold a lie. However, I haven't bought into it!

This video initiates thought about what we choose to believe in. You may always be subjected to ideas from an authority like religion, politics, peers and others. But it will always remain your choice as to if you do or do not believe in it. Remember, authority is something given from you, not taken. Many people today unwittingly give their authority to groups without using any critical thinking skills to question it. This is an extremely dangerous problem. We are continuously surrounded by propaganda in our daily lives. YOU must become aware of it and use the grey matter given to you in determining whether or not you BUY into it or not.

“You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew.” - Albert Einstein

  Humanity has become a most divided thing. Economy, politics and religion are a few of the larger divisions. I tackle how to unite the human family once again in a new world system the promotes equality, freedom, peace and prosperirty for every single person. I will always stand firmly in the belief that in order for these virtues to exist completely, it will require a one world goverment free from economy and a haven to any and all spiritual forms. A pocket implementation of such a change will leave economy in the world to be an abrasive force that could eventually force our efforts to erode back into an economy. By completing this vision worldwide, we eliminate the chance that another nations economy forces our way of life to "make deals" on economic exceptions that would lead to corruption within our society, ultimately degrading our system into that which we fought so hard to remove. I encourage everyone to wake up to the needed deliberation within humanity to forge this new way of living together, and start taking part in it. A single nation upholding the universal desires of all people can no longer be tolerated. The result will be a most unhappy world. Humanity must embrace the universal desires in a world wide government that represents us all, equally.

Here is the introduction to a new form of government, that can exist if we allow it, that will facilitate a society removing any and all forms of economy. It is a system that is based on sharing. This system places the powers of government back into the hands of the world citizens. This system will greatly diminish the possibilities that citizen apathy and passiveness would ever again allow the erosion of their freedoms because of government. When economy is removed, the possibilities of corruption within government are greatly eliminated. Additionally, when economy is removed, we can afford to do everything humanity can dream of because money will never again be an excuse through cost. The only cost of our dreams will be our collective labor towards it in every unified effort to come.

The COB is every citizen in the world of legal voting age. This is the basis for the government being in full control of the people, because the final desicions will always fall into the hands of the COB in which you and everyone else are full members and equal in power. The LB and EB branches will be representatives voted in by the people to deliberate issues, ideas, and reform policy to be ultimately submitted back to the COB for final approval.

For more information on the details of government and to participate in deliberating its refinement, follow the link to the right which talks about it labeled "World Government".

If we are to be successful in healing the human family it will need to be done with agreements between all nations and peoples. Not agreements on what differences exist between us and how to settle them, but agreements on what similarities all people in the human family share in common and how to use those same basic truths to bring us together. Peace, prosperity, freedom, and love are the universal hopes for us all. Focusing on what separates us in an effort to forge the peace the world needs is like trying to swim up a raging river backwards and hands tied. We may never find ourselves in agreement on all things, now or in our distant future. So it is this basic lesson that the human family must learn together; that our diversities are what should propel us forward in every unified effort to come in the future, fully understanding that this truth is a strength when utilized in a paradigm that refuses to divide itself because of them. When we as individuals or groups find ourselves hot in a disagreement, no matter how hurtful the disagreement is, we must learn to be the first to say, “I’m sorry and I forgive you” so that our differences never again separate and divide, but instead always bring us together in love and peace.

This is how we can do this, together in one swift movement of peace.
We cannot fight the oppression, corruption, greed, violence, and hate
with more of these things. And we certainly cannot continue to believe
that someone else is going to do it for us. Believe in your religious teachings,
for that is your right as a being given free-will. But also believe that you have
a duty to "try" and make the world a better place. We simply need to come
together as a human family and take back the course of our future. We owe
this to our future generations, not ourselves because we are the ones that
have allowed all of this to happen. We must stop dividing ourselves.

"Everything that exists we have allowed. And everything we didn't have a choice in allowing we have accepted as real." - Bobby McAllister

  The road to implementation of this new way will only succeed with you, and everyone around you. We can no longer afford to agree with the need for change and then turn our noses on this agreement by distracting ourselves with everything else around us. This is the most important thing that each person in our world can be participating in now. If we do not take this opportunity to make our world right today, all else will be wrong tomorrow just as it is now except more-so.

  Put down your television remote controls, video games, and other distractions. Agree without terms that YOU are required to help humanity make these changes, and then find a way in which you can participate. Talk to your friends, family, co-workers, even your so called enemies. Do not ever allow yourselves to become distracted by the unimportant things in life when what IS important is being neglected. There is a time for play, when all the work that is required is done.


A powerful lesson on our true existance.

Join me as I pursue my vision of a united human race in a system of sharing. A system that holds each individual accountable for the destination of mankind, now and in the future. A system that upholds our true human spirit! We are all similar in our desires for peace, equality, freedom and unity. So lets start representing ourselves in pursuit of it.
Follow this on Facebook by joining the group "Democratic Egalitarian Government without Economy"

1 comment:

I respect everybody's views and opinions. This new way of life cannot possibly come from me alone, as that would be another form of the few governing the many. Rather, this is me suggesting my vision of a new system to instigate a discussion and deliberation towards fine tuning it. Eventually, I would like to be able to present this on a massive scale globally for the world. I need your input, so please allow yourself the time to give it. Thankyou for being a part of change!